Wordless stories can be helpful for people in refugee communities because they are not language-dependant. Many refugees will have no words to describe the trauma they have been through in their own language; let alone in the language of whichever new country they find themselves in.

Being forced to flee your home and leave behind everything you know is terrifying and confusing. For someone with learning or communication difficulties the situation is amplified beyond comprehension. This is a huge challenge for the local organisations working with them, including interpreters, who often have very little experience of working with refugees with disabilities.

This wordless story will help people to tell their own story or understand the stories of the refugees they meet.

The full version of A Refugee’s Story is available in ebook and physical formats for purchase through our website. If you are working with a charity or organisation we can offer an abridged version for free. Get in touch via the form below.

We have versions with the guidance notes in English, Farsi, Hindi and Pashto. Please specify which version you would like when sending the below form.


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Want to get in touch about this story? Please email Hannah at hpimble@booksbeyondwords.co.uk